Seeing God's Hand In It
Mt 21:42NKJV “This was the Lord’s doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes.”
Jesus said, “The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone. This was the Lord’s doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes.” Note the word “rejected.” The rejection of his brothers put Joseph on a path that led to the throne of Egypt and the saving of his family and his nation. How often has something happened in your life that you later realized was necessary? If you hadn’t experienced this or walked through that, you wouldn’t have been ready for the blessings you enjoy now. When you begin to see the hand of God in it you understand that what the Enemy intended for your destruction, God used for your development.
To be “more than a conqueror” means you can stand up and say: “Here’s how I see it. It took everything I’ve been through to make me who I am and to teach me what I know. So I choose to be better, not bitter. I trust the faithfulness of God more than ever. I’ve learned that if faith doesn’t move the mountain, it’ll give me strength to endure until tomorrow. And if it is not gone by tomorrow, I’ll still believe that God is able and trust Him until He does.”
Relax, rejoice; your steps are being arranged by the Lord (See Ps 37:23). He hasn’t taken His eye or His hand off you, not even for a single moment. When you get through this trial you’ll realize that “the worst thing that could have happened” was, in reality, “the Lord’s doing,” and it will become “marvelous in your eyes.”
Credit: NKJV - Jentzen Franklin