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    The Spiritual Realm

    Numbers 25:11 He was zealous for my sake...

    It is strange that the world accepts enthusiasm in every realm but the spiritual. The world appreciates and understands emotion and enthusiasm, until it becomes a religious fervor—then immediately it is suspect. When you bring a grand and glorious abandon to your dedication to the Lord Jesus Christ, you are thought by many of your neighbors to be mad, to have “gone too far” in religion.

    The whole history of missionary enterprise is filled with names like William Carey, Hudson Taylor, John Paton, David Livingstone, and others, who were thought by their generations to be mad. Their dedication was beyond the understanding of those who loved the smugness and the ease of contemporary life . . . And yet, in the last analysis, who are the mad ones? Are they not the complacent, self-centered, and smug who are so selfish that they tire of their own smugness, tire of their pleasures, and even tire of themselves?

    The scripture says that He is zealous for us. Think about that for a moment, the Living God cares about you and me. We serve a God that not only cares, but is so zealous for us that He put His love into action, He sent His only son to die so we might live. Can we find within us the ability to be just as zealous for Him?. No matter what the world may say or think, let your zeal for God burn like never before and watch God consume your life.

    Psalm 69: 7-9 Because for Your sake I have borne reproach; Dishonor has covered my face. 8 I have become estranged [f]from my brothers And an alien to my mother’s sons. 9 For zeal for Your house has consumed me,...

    Credit: Billy Graham - NASB - KJV - HS - TM

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