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    Rebounding Out Of The Devils Snare

    Inevitably, there will be times in each of our lives where we miss the game-winning shot. We all fail. We all fall short. But do you know something? God has never sought after perfect people.

    Think about it. Moses murdered someone and then went into hiding. David committed adultery, and had a man killed to cover it up. Samson chose a woman over his calling. Peter pronounced boldly he had nothing to do with Jesus Christ, not once, but three times! These were not accidents; these were intentional sins.

    God had every right to smite them. But what did He do? He used them.

    Moses became the deliverer of millions of Israelite people. David was one of Israel’s greatest kings. Samson’s calling was never revoked. And out of all of the disciples, it was Peter whom Christ chose to build His church.

    Maybe you, like these men, have made some pretty poor choices. You may have experienced disappointment in your marriage, or maybe you have given up on a God-given dream. You wonder to yourself if things would look different if not for that one bad decision. Can I remind you of something?

    Isaiah 43:25 says, “I am he who blots out your transgressions for my own sake, and remember your sins no more.”

    God is in your corner! He is for us, not against us. He forgives us because He loves us, blots out our mess-ups for His own sake. He chooses not to bring up our past, yet sees us for who we will be. If He isn’t holding your wrongs against you, why are you holding them against yourself?

    Honestly repent of that which is holding you back, praise Him, and know that you are standing on a firm foundation. One that has unlimited second chances.

    It is possible to miss more shots than you make and still win the game!

    Credit: NIV - Jentezen Franklin - HS

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